Monday, January 21, 2019

Community Service/Citizenship

Ever since kindergarten I have been competing in Reflections, and most years I have competed in every category including dance choreography, theater (obsolete), film video, music compostion, photography, visual art, 3D art, and literature. As a sophmore I created a film video featuring my sister and brother-in-law. It tells the story of an immigrant worker striving to make it back to his love. This entry made it all the way to the state competion. Another one of my favorite entries was my literature entry that I wrote my senior year. It was about an older lady's bucket list and how she learned to step outside of herself and notice the love all around her. This entry ended up winning an award of excellence (1st place) at state and went on to the national competion where it recieved an award of merit. This year, my photography has advanced to state, and I am hopefully that it will make it all the way to nationals.
Here are the entries I talked about. Unfortunately my photography entry can not be shared because it is currently an active entry in the competion.
Film Video 2016-2017
Literature 2017-2018

Young Womens


South Pointe Ballet Company
I have been a performer with the South Pointe Ballet Company for eight years.  I performed in various ballets including Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Giselle, Les Sylphides, Four Sea Interludes, and various performances of the Nutcracker. Most recently I performed in the Nutcracker as the Snow Queen and in the Chinese variation. I loved sharing my love of dance and music with those in my community!
Getting ready for the big performance

South Pointe helped me meet lots of cool people.

My siblings and I had a fun time performing in the Nutcracker!

I loved partnering!

I'm the one on the left
Swan Lake was my first ballet
Les Sylphides
In Cinderella I was a court jester

Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation

Salt Lake Community College Field Experience and Service Learning at local schools
I am a New Century Candidate. That means that I am on track to graduate with my Associates Degree in General Education from Salt Lake Community College in Spring of 2019.
Here is a link to my SLCC Eportfolio:

Last summer I took some of the education classes offered at SLCC including EDU-1010: Introduction to Teaching, EDU-1400: Study of Disabilities, and EDU-2010: Introduction to Special Education. Over the course of these three classes, I completed 45 hours of observation and field work at Jordan Ridge Elementary and River's Edge. River's Edge is a school for kids that have social and behavioral disorders, often which correspond to a mental disability. Observing and serving teachers in the workforce gave me a greater understanding of the role of a teacher in student learning and the different techniques teachers use to teach and manage their classroom. 
 Here are some of the major assignments that I completed for my courses in education:
SLCC UEN Lesson Plan
Teaching Demonstration Video 
Classroom Scenario Write-up 

Teen Advisory Board at South Jordan Library

Salt Lake Community College Spirit Band

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